It’s our choice: We can whimper and whine about our limitations and circumstances, or we can let loose our personal power in a howl that the world can’t ignore.
For the next gathering of the Exploring the Power of Voice Meetup Group, we’ll dig under the fences that try to contain us and romp wherever self-expression takes us. With sing-alongs, games, and other group and individual activities, we’ll run free in fields of creativity, healing, and joy.
Whether you are an experienced singer or speaker or a beginner, come join our pack on May 12 to bark, growl, and howl at the moon!
To learn more and to join the group, visit the group at Meetup.com.
Suggested donation: $5. You may use our Contribute page on Meetup.com or contribute by cash or check at the event. We welcome your donation, but it’s not a requirement for participation in our gathering.
New to A Healing Collective? Download a flyer with a map and instructions for finding the space.