Seven Mondays: | October 15, 22, and 29, November 5, 12, 19, and 26, 2018 6:30–8:30 p.m. |
Celebration rehearsals: | Group numbers Saturday, December 1, 2018 1:30–3:30 p.m. Living Your Voice Classroom |
Full performance Friday, December 7, 2018 6:30–9:00 p.m. Living Your Voice Classroom |
Celebration: | Saturday, December 8, 2018 3:15 p.m. The Village of the Heights (senior-care facility) 1407 Studemont St., Houston TX 77008 |
Class Location
Living Your Voice Classroom
Houston Heights area (We’ll provide address details on receipt of your enrollment.)
Our Living Your Voice 102 class series offers participants an opportunity to build on the vocal technique and personal empowerment process they learned in Living Your Voice 101: Finding Your Voice. This class offers members flexibility to use their allotted time in class as they choose. Some class members may focus primarily on empowerment work. Other participants may work on a project during the class series, such as preparation of a speech, a presentation, or a song of their own choosing. Along with group exercises, at each class meeting, class members will have individual-coaching sessions with the support of the class. Whether they choose to do empowerment and healing work, technical and/or emotional work needed to prepare their projects, or a combination of the two, class members’ coaching sessions will support them in achieving the desired objectives.
Additionally, the class may work on a group song, which, together with the participants’ individual performances, will debut at a Showcase Celebration for friends and family at the end of the class series.
The final class in the series is a rehearsal for the Showcase Celebration and will take place the evening before the Showcase Celebration at the Living Your Voice Classroom. The Showcase Celebration will take place on December 8, 2018, 3:15 p.m. at The Village of The Heights 1407 Studewood St., Houston.
Tuition for Living Your Voice 102 is tiered based on the participant’s choice of a project or projects to prepare in the class series:
- Standard repertoire—If the participant sings a number from our standard repertoire of familiar and popular songs without a custom arrangement, tuition is $320 ($40/class) for the full class series if paid in full in advance, or $45 per class if you elect to pay for one class at a time. (See note below for more information about the Living Your Voice standard repertoire.)
- Song to be sung a cappella or with backing track—If the participant sings a song a cappella or with a backing track that he or she provides, tuition is $240 ($30/class) for the full class series if paid in full in advance, $35 per single class. (This price also applies to participants who intend to provide their own accompanist or accompany themselves in rehearsals and at the Showcase Celebration.)
- Public-speaking focus—If the participant prepares a speech or presentation instead of a song, tuition is $240 ($30/class) for the full class series if paid in full in advance, $35 per single class. (This price also applies to those who participate in the class series strictly for emotional healing and empowerment work without preparing a project for performance.)
- Custom arrangement or new song—If the participant sings a song that’s brand new to our instructor/accompanist or requires preparation of a custom arrangement, tuition is $440 ($55/class) for the full class series if paid in full in advance, or $60 per single class.
About the standard repertoire: The Living Your Voice standard repertoire includes several hundred popular and familiar songs in a variety of genres. We plan to publish a list here in the near future. For now, please e-mail Tony Pryor or call 713-826-9814 to discuss the song you’d like to prepare and to find out whether it’s included in the standard repertoire.
If you intend to work on more than one song or other project, we ask you to pay the higher of the rates that apply. If you’re not sure what song or project you’ll prepare, pay whichever rate seems the most likely to apply, and we’ll adjust your payment as needed once you’ve chosen a project.
Class members are asked to pay for all classes missed, regardless of the payment method chosen. Partial scholarships are available to two people who would like to join the class but cannot afford the tuition.