Instead of our usual Exploring the Power of Voice Meetup Group gathering format, we have a special treat planned for the April event: Catch a comedic evening filled with live performances of hit Broadway songs. The Music Box Theater salutes Broadway musicals in its first 2018 production: Broadway at the Box 2018. The all-new show features hits ranging from The Music Man to Hamilton. Music Boxers and G Sharp and the MBT Three will perform songs from every decade of musical theater anthology.
Members are responsible for purchasing their own tickets. Once you’ve purchased tickets, RSVP at Meetup.com so that we’ll know to look for you at the theater!
You can buy your tickets directly from The Music Box Theater, or you might find discounted tickets through Goldstar.
We’ll be back at A Healing Collective on May 11 for our regularly schedule Exploring the Power of Voice gathering.