Every life journey is unique. Each of our stories is worth telling and worth hearing.
In this six-week “listening group” series, we will seek clarity and healing through sharing our personal life stories and hearing the life stories of other participants. Using James Hollis’s book, Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life, as our inspirational text, we will seek to unlock the mysteries of our own journeys.
Facilitator Tony Pryor will begin each session by presenting one or more concepts from the book. Participants will pair off to process a few suggested questions relating to the concepts in Tony’s opening remarks. Tony will then facilitate in interview style, without analysis or crosstalk, while two or three volunteers tell their own stories as they may relate to themes raised in Hollis’s book.
Tony’s experience has been that people can gain uncanny awareness from telling the stories of their life journeys, as well as by hearing others tell their own stories. Many times, they discover details and emotions previously forgotten or overlooked. These “ah-ha” epiphanies often lend depth and create new pathways to each person’s own truth—a reward for the courageous risk-taking involved in the telling of one’s story. Tony’s mission is to create a safe container in which each person’s stepping into this kind of vulnerability can take place.
Purchase Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life at Amazon.com.
Class Series Details
Six Thursdays | February 6, 13, 20, 27, March 5 and 12, 2020 6:30–8:30 p.m. |
Location | Living Your Voice classroom Houston Heights area (We’ll e-mail location details to participants upon enrollment.) |
Tuition | $100
Enroll in this class series by using the form below. |
E-mail Tony Pryor or call 713-826-9814 for more information.